

Once upon a time a gypsy fell in love with a warrior. They teamed up with  a rescued princess pup and went on loads of adventures. Then one day their love exploded, and a little king joined the family. It was then they decided to sell everything, and create a tiny home on wheels.

This McCabe Made Life

Its always an adventure! Follow along as we tackle our next great wander.

New State. New Jobs. New House. New Post

Hey Friends!

So we’ve not updated this site in forever because… well, real life.

We’ve landed in upstate New York and are planting roots.

Our new adventures include the kid, our pup, and #theHouseThatAsaBuilt. We close on an old giant house on Wednesday. This place is massive next to the 35’ #RVLife. A circa 1830, Greek Revival on a couple of acres; Patrick calls it his castle. We now call it home. Pictures and stories to come.

Book of Secrets

Book of Secrets